Sunday, February 24, 2013

Invented Character Ideas

 For 3D we get to design and sculpt a character of our choosing, but has to be humanoid.  My first idea was an aristocratic dragon which would evolve into my current character which will be featured in a future post.

          The next character was a character my friends had sort of invented and thought would be fun to put my spin on it and bring it to life.  Isaac the snowman, about a snowman who is after some punk little kid who brought him to life but hates the kid cause the snowman knows he is going to melt. Basically an entire 360 from Frosty.                                                                            

                                                I had my friend Isaac in mind when i made the faces to whom the character is modeled after haha.

Clothed Sequentials

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cafe Studies

Cafe studies done in figure drawing.  The first four are four different models from different days but all 5-10 minutes in length.  The last one was a 45 minute and the models were basing their story off of the characters from "The African Queen" featuring Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn.  When it comes to the longer poses I'm really trying to work more with shapes and eliminating outlines. with maybe 15 more minutes it could have been refined a little more and refined face on the man but needless to say am content with what came out.  And saggy, loose pants are not fun to draw....

Thursday, February 7, 2013

More Long Poses

I've been learning quite a bit about how artists actually think. They think through the abstract. By doing this they are not drawing an arm but a shape, they are not drawing the shadow from the arm but a shape.  By doing this, they use the right side of the brain, the creative side.  The left side of the brain, the literal side, can't interfere because nothing about it is literal; its no longer an arm or a leg but a shape and a form.  Time passes by really quickly this way too haha.  Also through squinting, we see the abstract and not the minuscule details that don't matter and will get the tones more correct.  Its all quite fascinating :)

Head and Hand Studies