Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Elven Druid

A character that I was fooling around with for a while, i think he started from a sketch I did in history of illustration.  then a few weeks ago I was just doing a sketch (below) and then started laying down colors and just took off, working on it off and on with really no intention or purpose, especially with the  background.  For some reason I picture a little bit of my former 3D teacher Richard Johnson in this little guy haha.  Crazy yet lovable and sort of just wonders.

Gestures yet again

Former High School Choir director directing the choir and the spring concert

At my friend baseball game

 Interesting tree shapes i noticed far off while at the game


Just some sketches that i liked
this one is like a dragon like flamingo i can picture them in flocks, very majestic creatures

More Plein Air

Continuing to do outdoor paintings as much as i can, but quite honestly the weather here has been absolutely horrible!  I swear I haven't seen the sun for over a week and coming from florida, the SUN SHINE STATE, you can understand my pure angst.  These are in no particular order but first time with oils! Very fun medium but it took quite a few tries to get the hang of and still am.  Again just one hour studies. I really don't want to paint another overcast day.....

made it out before the storm was com in just in time too, any later and I would've been done for.

this one brings me happiness because if reminds me of when there was sun.

Really would've like to work on this one more but sadly it started to rain

Messin with Brushes

So I was playing around with making my own brushes for a while, now that i finally got the right hook up for my tablet to get photoshop cs6 on my mac, I've been using elements 10 and its fine but there are some features that i couldn't do like customize brushes.  this one was like a watercolor brush and just sort of fooled around with no intention and turned out kind of cool, haha maybe turn it into somethin.