Saturday, March 22, 2014

Painting Show

Pictures from the Painting show Gallery

 The work above the bird I think is fantastic, but I sadly do not know the artist
same goes for the brownish interior, such an eerie feel it's great

Examples of work from fellow students that I know or know of them

 Junior Victor Maury
Great Illustrator, you can see more of his work here:

A very talented fellow sophomore Danica Jokic

Good Friend and talented painter sophomore Zach Nienhuser you can see his work here:

Another good friend and talented artist sophomore Karissa Costa and you can see more of her work here:

Yet another good friend and exceptionally talented painter sophomore Grace Cheung

Senior this year and excellent artist Daniel Cruit

Good Friend who is also a sophomore Nick Archilla, awesome painter

Also a senior this year, exceptionally great artist David Han

 Top junior Brenna Thummler and bottom senior Gal Or

and this doesn't even scratch the surface of the immense talent here at Ringling, it is truly inspiring

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Illustration Painting Gallery

For those back home an update: I'm happy to announce these three paintings made it into the illustration painting gallery show here at Ringling!

The show is this friday, i'll upload pictures of the show and the fantastic paintings my fellow talented illustration student have made!

Day and Night

Yet another project for illustration class we had to depict a scene in the day time and at night to help us understand how to manipulate value and color.  After ideation/thumbnailing I settled for this simple composition.  I feel like I am better understanding my materials as well as composing an image through shapes. plus, it's a minotaur smoking a pipe which is neat.  Honestly, if I smoked i think there is no question I would use a pipe if you can see from most of my drawings as of late....
Acylic and colored pencil on illustration board
I would use oils but with the time we have to do a project and how i like to paint it would become a complete mess....
 refined value study

color studies

 finished illustration

 Detail pictures

Dog Days Are Over

Another Illustration for class in which we had to create a picture based off of a song. I chose the Dog Days Are Over by Florence and the Machine.  She often mentions the horses are coming and the song depicts sort of the end so I thought it would be fun to draw the four horsemen of the apocalypse.  It was quite an undertaking for a three day painting. I had a solid composition, color scheme and value study but when it came to depicting them I had to come up with their costuming last minute and didn't think of this sooner but totally should have been Clydesdale horses.  Otherwise it turned out to be a solid piece based on critique so can't complain but some things to keep in mind for future projects.
Acrylic and Colored Pencil on Illustration board with some digital touch ups.

Spring Break Sketching

Sketching some main street buildings waiting for the parade at the Magic Kingdom

Hollywood Studios sketching

Sketching at the Hotel, sometimes you just need to draw for no reason.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Interior Painting

Interior painting project for painting class.  We worked on it for a few weeks starting and working mostly from life but towards the end photo reference and memory was used for completion due to light changes and cloudy days.  approx. 24 by 30 inches done on stretched canvas with oil paints
Here's day one sketch in phase


Personal illustration developed from a sketch I did over winter break. Sometimes its fun when you don't have a plan for where a picture is going to go, whether thats really a good thing can be debated, but just strap in and see where the picture takes you can be refreshing.